
From Rumiki
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Welcome, traveler.

General Info[edit source]

What is the Rumiki?
The Rumiki is a primarily English language encyclopedia dedicated to the life and works of Rumiko Takahashi, one of the most prominent mangaka in Japan.
Don't we already have wikis for Rumiko's works?
We do, but many of them are either old (rarely updated since the mid 2000s) or hosted on Fandom (you can read a writeup on why Fandom wikis are fundamentally bad here). They're also largely devoid of fan works, doujinshi or western, as well as information about the foreign broadcasts of Rumiko's works, many of which had alternative titles. It is my goal to make this site a comprehensive source for information on these topics.
Why have a single wiki versus wikis for each of her works?
Rumiko's works are very self referential, and many of her works have elements or characters that are similar to other's she's done in different stories. They are, in a sense, all part of the same "Rumic World".
Will this site have articles in Japanese/other languages?
Maybe eventually, but we'd have to find people who are fluent (I am not). If you are, please let me know!

File Uploads[edit source]

What are the preferred file formats?
In general, best practice is to use JPEG or PNG for images, WEBM for videos, and OGG for audio. However, unless an image is excessively sized (above 4mb), it is preferred to use the original file rather than converting it to reduce size. If necessary, we prefer you compress with MozJPEG rather than WEBP for interoperability ( GIF is also appropriate for shorter animations.
What is not allowed to be uploaded
This site won't host the following content:
  • Full manga dumps that are still being sold commercially (this is self explanatory)
  • Full anime videos that are still being sold commercially (same as above)
  • Lossless soundtracks (mostly for storage space reasons)
  • Completely off topic content (not related to Rumiko or her works in any way)
  • H/explicit doujinshi (this can be referenced but we'd prefer to keep this site SFW generally)

Preservation[edit source]

What are the preferred translation methods?
In order of preference:
  • Official translations (latest)
  • Fan/independent translations
  • Machine translations

Note that sometimes the official translations are known to be wildly inaccurate or take great liberties from the source material. In these cases we will generally point to a fan edit or fan translation rather than the official one. Machine translations are no substitute for actual translation work but can be useful to get a gist of the source.

How will Japanese names be presented?
When written with Latin characters, Japanese names will be presented in a Western format - that is personal name followed by family name.
When written with CJK characters or Hepburn, Japanese names will be presented in the native order - that is family name followed by personal name.

Note: If you are trying to preserve data from e-hentai (they have archives of a lot of old Rumiko material) be sure to only download at night (US time), as during the day they serve compressed versions of their files.
